Learn Computer Science Through Animations

Singly Linked List

Basic Linear Data Structure

Understand basic linked list operations: Animated demonstrations of insertion, deletion, and traversal


Last-In-First-Out Data Structure

Stack is a special linear structure where data insertion and deletion occur only at one fixed end.

Doubly Linked List

Enhanced List Structure

Explore doubly linked list features: Animated demonstrations of bidirectional traversal and operations

Binary Tree

Hierarchical Data Structure

Learn basic binary tree operations: Animated demonstrations of traversal, insertion, and search

Skip List

Hierarchical Data Structure

can be used as a substitute for a balanced tree, and by default, it is in ascending order according to the key value


Collection of Unique Data

A collection that stores unique values, does not allow duplicate elements, and is commonly used for deduplication and collection operations.


Collection Operation

collection operations for set, union, and intersection

Sliding window

Sliding Window Algorithm Visualization

consistency hash

consistency hash Algorithm Visualization

Learning Features

Visual Learning

Understand data structure principles through animated demonstrations

Interactive Experience

Practice each operation hands-on to deepen algorithm understanding